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Fr. Gabriel - Journey to Priesthood
Father Gabriel has been ordinated on March 21, 2021 by H.G. Bishop David as the second priest to serve at St. Mark's Church at the Archdiocese of North America. Following his blessed ordination, Fr. Gabriel travelled to Texas to spend the forty days at the Monestary of St. Mary & St. Moses. A newly ordained priest spends 40 days, in prayer fasting and solitude, at a monastery of his choice, in a manner similar to how our Lord Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days in the wilderness before starting His public ministry.

Fr. Moises Bogdady accompanied him on the trip and will stay at the monestary for the first 5 days. Fr. Gabriel is expected to return on Thursday April 22nd in preparation for the Easter Liturgy on May 1st and Easter Celebration on May 2nd.


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